

Nov 10

HD Laser Scan of WWII Era Tug Boat in Kewaunee

As part of a survey of the Kewaunee Harbor on Lake Michigan, Ayres Associates captured a detailed Laser Scan of the Harbor Park and surrounding area. The centerpiece of the Park is the Tug Ludington, which participated in the D-Day Invasion of Normandy and had an important role in Great Lakes.  Formerly known as LT-4 by its US Army designation, and as the Major Wilbur Fr. Browder, it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  Read more about the Ludington here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tug_Ludington





boat scan

HD laser scanning is among the many services available at Ayres Associates. Our extensive history of supporting diverse engineering applications allows us to approach each project as a unique mission with an individualized solution. Because Ayres Associates incorporates the experience of many disciplines in the implementation of the HD scanning technology, your project and budget can take advantage of the innovative solutions that we collectively offer.

HD scanning supports a wide range of applications for as-built survey and asset inventory:

  • Transportation designIMG_20141220_113710_620

  • Bridge and overhead obstruction clearance

  • Substations and utility infrastructure

  • Industrial facility maintenance

  • Change detection (load stress and settling)

  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance

  • Analysis of discontinuities





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